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Today's Dippit!


"If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then you are an excellent leader."

Dolly Parton


I know a lot of jokes about retired people but none of them work!

Fun Fact

Japan is facing a ninja shortage. There is a high demand for “ninja shows,” but it is a dying tradition and companies have trouble time finding properly trained ninjas.

History Fact

Cleopatra was

She was part of the Ptolemy dynasty, who were derived from one of Alexander the Great’s generals, Ptolemy.

Her ancestors ruled over Egypt from the city of Alexandria. Named after… you guessed it, Alexander the Great.

Bonus fact about the Ptolemy dynasty: All male members of this dynasty were called Ptolemy. It makes learning about them really confusing

Movie/TV Trivia

The entire cast and crew of Titanic were poisoned and nobody knows who did it to this day

Tragedy befell the set of Titanic after the entire cast and crew were poisoned. Everyone who worked on the movie was enjoying a celebratory meal when suddenly people started to fall ill.

It turned out that the clam chowder had been spiked with PCP! Crew member Marilyn McAvoy remembered the incident: “There was no indication that there was anything strange happening… until the meal.

“By the time we got back from eating, after about 30 minutes, that’s when I started noticing something was wrong. Everyone seemed confused.

“Everyone was having trouble getting their work done. […] I also heard later on that as soon as James Cameron realised something had been put in the chowder, he ran up to his room and forced himself to throw up.” McAvoy said that despite being mildly funny, it was also a traumatic incident which left many people in hospital suffering from bad trips.

To this day, nobody knows who was responsible for the mass poisoning. Some people have blamed a chef who got sacked from production, but nobody has ever been brought to justice.

Movie/TV Quote

“I'll have what she's having.”

When Harry Met Sally, 1989

Conversation Starter

Now that indie publishing has become easier, have books gotten better or worse?

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