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Today's Dippit!


"If you want to annoy a poet, explain his poetry."

Nassim Nicholas Taleb


One lung said to another…we be-lung together!

Fun Fact

Your tonsils can grow back if there was tissue left behind during the removal process. Sometimes it’s accidental, other times it’s left on purpose.

History Fact

In the 1970s Pol Pot's communist regime brainwashed thousands of Cambodian children into becoming soldiers who committed mass murders and other atrocities.

Movie/TV Trivia

Bill Murray Was Considered for the Role of Batman

In addition to Kevin Costner, Pierce Brosnan, and Mel Gibson, Bill Murray was considered for the role of the caped crusader in the 1989 film Batman. That was, until director Tim Burton came on board and went with Michael Keaton.

Movie/TV Quote

"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night."

All About Eve, 1950

Conversation Starter

What was your first smart phone? How did you feel when you got it?

Writing Prompt


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