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Today's Dippit!


“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

Mahatma Gandhi


I ate a clock yesterday, it was very time consuming.

Fun Fact

Dolphins have been trained to be used in wars.

Dolphins are known widely as adorable, intelligent animals. What is not as widely known is that these crafty creatures were used by the U.S. and Soviet Union during the Vietnam War and the Cold War. Both countries studied the creatures for their sonar capabilities, but also trained them to detect mines, bring equipment to divers, find lost equipment, and guard submarines amongst other nifty tricks.

History Fact

Living Legacy

The last living Buffalo Soldier (member of an all-black US Army regiment) was Mark Matthews, who died on September 6, 2006 at the age of 111. Matthews fought in both world wars, and until the age of 109 had excellent health and good memory, and often enjoyed recounting tales from his military experience 60 years prior.

Movie/TV Trivia

The Great Gatsby

According to Tom Breen, the owner of property "Breenhold" in the Blue Mountains where a lot of filming took place, there was a huge stuff-up on set by a "private weather guru" who was hired by Baz Luhrmann. Mr Breen claims that on a beautiful spring day, the crew purchased 100,000 litres of water from one of the dams to create the synthetic rain needed for the scene where a nervous Gatsby has Nick Carroway invite Daisy over for tea. It rained for the next 3 days.

Movie/TV Quote

"They call it a Royale with cheese."

Pulp Fiction, 1994

If John Travolta’s character had been hiding out in Italy rather than France, the line would have been "They call it a McRoyal DeLuxe." If he’d been in Japan, he might have skipped the beef and tried the "Filet-O-Shrimp Burger."

Conversation Starter

Is teaching a skill that can be taught?

Writing Prompt


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