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Today's Dippit!


"Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no greater investment."

Stephen Covey


Why is Peter Pan always flying? He neverlands.

Fun Fact

There's an entire town under a rock.

If you've ever been accused of "living under a rock," you'll feel right at home in Setenil de Las Bodegas in Spain. Many of this tiny town's 3,000 residents live and work and play in a gorge beneath a huge rocky outcropping, where homes are built right into the rock. It provides so much shelter that historians think this area has been occupied by human settlements since the Stone Age.

History Fact

A Clash of Kings

The four suited kings in a traditional deck of cards actually represent historical kings. Some of the assignations are in dispute, but largely the kings are thought to be: King David of Israel as the King of Spades, Alexander the Great as the King of Clubs, Charlemagne as the King of Hearts, and either Augustus or Julius Caesar as the King of Diamonds.

Movie/TV Trivia

Speaking of stunts, Alan Rickman was dropped a second early to get his true reaction to falling from the Nakatomi Plaza in Die Hard.

Movie/TV Quote

"Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads."

Back to the Future, 1985

One of two lines on this list that have been quoted in State of the Union addresses (see also: No. 32). "There is just no greater tribute you can get than have the president of the United States quote your movie, no matter what your politics are," says writer Bob Gale.

Conversation Starter

Have you ever had a dream where everyone was in their underwear?

Writing Prompt

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