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Today's Dippit!


“Life imposes things on you that you can’t control, but you still have the choice of how you’re going to live through this.”

Celine Dion


Man, choking on sugar seems like the sweetest way to die!

Fun Fact

Two PlayStation 1 games, FIFA 2001 and Gran Turismo 2, has scratch & sniff discs. The FIFA 2001 smelled like a soccer field, while Gran Turismo 2 smelled like car tires.

History Fact

And Betsy Ross Didn't Design and Sew the First American Flag

At least the only proof we have of this is from Ross's grandson, William Canby, who claimed in 1870 that his "gam-gam" had the idea. The real creator was more likely to be Francis Hopkinson from New Jersey, who signed the Declaration of Independence and also designed many seals for the U.S. government.

Movie/TV Trivia

Morgan Freeman’s line, in Shawshank Redemption “Maybe it’s ’cause I’m an Irish” is not a joke. In the novel ‘Red’ really is Irish.

Movie/TV Quote

"You gonna eat your tots?"

Napoleon Dynamite (2004)

No one expected the world to embrace the odd patch of Idaho that birthed Napoleon Dynamite and his friend Pedro, but boy, did it ever. Made on a budget of around $400,000, the film wound up grossing more than $46 million, which is what they call a "hit" in the movie business. Like so many other movies featured on this list, Napoleon Dynamite wasn't just popular, but a lexical phenomenon that helped return to common use non-profanities like "Heck yes!" and "Gosh!", and introduced solecisms like pronouncing both L's in "quesadilla." In a script packed with enough one-liners to spawn a T-shirt cottage industry, "you gonna eat your tots?" is the quote that best sums up Napoleon Dynamite's bizarre charm. Napoleon's brazenness and social ineptitude capture the uncomfortable feeling of being a high school outcast desperate for attention, but the scene goes beyond what most people can relate to when he stuffs Pedro's tots in the side pocket of his zip-up cargo pants. It's a moment of Dada logic in a film that had so many people asking, "What the hell is this?" and answering themselves, "I don't know, but it's really funny."

Conversation Starter

What did you think was the most challenging part of being a kid?

Writing Prompt

A child moves into a new house and finds out that the other kids in town think it's haunted. She begins to invent ghost stories to tell at school in order to get attention. But the more stories she tells, the more frightened she becomes of the house...

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