“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.”
Robert Frost
The person who invented the door knock won the No-bell prize.
Fun Fact
Expedia.com, Hotels.com, Hotwire.com, Trivago, Travelocity, and Orbitz are all owned by the same company, Expedia Inc.
History Fact
Cowboys Didn't Actually Wear Cowboy Hats
Those big Stetsons that everyone associates with cowboys like John Wayne, Billy the Kid, or Wyatt Earp? Yeah. Cowboys didn't wear those. In fact, the hat of choice for the 19th century cowboys was actually a bowler hat. Go figure.
Movie/TV Trivia
Saw was filmed in 18 days
Movie/TV Quote
"You had my curiosity. But now you have my attention."
Django Unchained (2012)
In the second of his revisionist history films, Quentin Tarantino is in peak form, dishing out fantasy justice to abominable characters like Leonardo DiCaprio's Calvin J. Candie, a smooth-talking slave-owner with a passion for phrenology. Candie's gleeful hatred -- covered with a slimy veneer of Southern manners -- puts the efficiency of Tarantino's character development on full display. The slave-owner is the quintessential talentless, overconfident man who believes himself far superior to a foreigner and a free slave, despite all evidence to the contrary. As he takes a childish slurp out of a coconut filled with booze, DiCaprio delivers the film's best line with the kind of uncomfortable familiarity and condescension that make the final act's revenge fantasy fully earned. It's the kind of line you could imagine a venture capitalist or similar vampire uttering today; we thankfully no longer sell humans as commodities, but the sickening nature of business sharks remains.
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